The 4 Phases Of The Menstrual Cycle And How To Train During All Of Them!

Ladies, life can be kind of rough sometimes. And on top of that we have our cycles do deal with, which can sometimes throw off our training schedule. Every cycle is different for every woman. Sometimes you feel fine and can power through the symptoms and can get yourself to the gym and you feel like a beast for doing so, as you should! But some women experience crippling cramps, intense mood swings that zap your energy or back pain so bad you can’t keep yourself upright. It can make you think, “if this is a fraction of what labor feels like, I’m out.” I personally have so much respect for the women that go through labor without any medication. I couldn’t do it, but that’s a different conversation.

When it comes to your cycle and embracing holistic health, it's super important to get to know your body and respect the natural ups and downs that come with your menstrual cycle. Remember, our bodies are dynamic, not static. They move and change in harmony with our hormones, affecting everything from our energy levels to our moods, and even how we perform when we exercise. The awesome news is, by aligning our fitness routines with these changes, we can not only maximize our physical results but also boost our overall wellbeing. Let's explore some healthy habits for exercise and wellbeing throughout our menstrual cycle, shall we?

Menstrual Phase (Days 1-5): Gentle Movement and Rest

I’m sure you don’t even need me to tell you this part. Because you probably don’t feel like doing anything, even remotely intense on those first few days of your cycle, anyway. During this time it’s super important to prioritize gentle exercises like walking, yoga, or gentle stretching. Light movement can actually really help with relieving menstrual pain in the breast and cramping. Listen to your body's cues; if you're fatigued, embrace restorative practices like yoga. Outside of exercise, don’t forget the self-care activities (my favorite) like hot baths or meditation to soothe discomfort and promote relaxation.

Follicular Phase (Days 6-14): Build Strength and Endurance

This is the second best phase of the whole experience. As estrogen goes up, so do those energy and endurance levels. This is when you want to amp up the intensity from the previous phase. Focus on strength training and high-intensity workouts to build muscle and stamina. I would suggest activities like weightlifting, your favorite spin class, or some at home HIIT workouts with my Body Blast Challenge. (Shameless plug¯\(ツ)/¯). Also don’t forget to soak up the sun and enjoy the rejuvenating effects of nature.

Ovulation Phase (Days 15-17): Embrace Dynamic Workouts

I like to call this one The Golden Phase! This is when you are just feeling yourself. You are loaded with energy and confidence and good vibes! Take full advantage of this phase and strut your stuff right on into some dynamic workouts that put your coordination and agility to the test, like your favorite dance classes, a little kickboxing, or some kick ass group classes. Get ready for that heightened motivation and that “take on the world” attitude!

Luteal Phase (Days 18-28): Prioritize Stability and Relaxation

This is where that “I can do anything” and “life is amazing” attitudes start to sway. The luteal phase brings mood swings and fatigue, which we don’t love that, but it’s part of life. It’s not nearly as bad as the menstrual phase but Opt for stability-focused exercises like Pilates, barre, or gentle strength training. Practice mindfulness techniques like deep breathing or journaling to manage stress and promote relaxation. Adequate sleep and nourishing foods can further support your body through this phase.

Nutrition and Hydration Throughout the Cycle

No matter what phase you are in, it's super important to keep your nutrition and hydration on point. Be sure to treat your body right with foods that are packed with nutrients like complex carbs, lean proteins, healthy fats, and of course, heaps of fruits and veggies. Don't forget to hydrate! Keep that water coming all day long and be sure to drink more especially when working out on your cycle! For tips on food to help with bloating and inflammation especially during the menstruation phase, feel free to check out my previous blog, Bloating Be Gone: Tasty Meals and Snacks For A Healthy Gut.

Listen to Your Body

Above all else, listen to your body. It’s important to honor feelings of fatigue or discomfort, especially during the menstruation phase. If you are feeling tired or a bit off/ sick, push yourself to move but not too hard. Adjust the intensity of the workout or choose a lower impact activity like walking or yoga. The important and more sustainable thing to do is hold yourself accountable for moving and doing what you need to do to keep yourself on track to your fitness goals. Also, don’t forget about food! Your cycle is hard enough, don’t make it harder by missing out on what it needs. Make sure you are getting the proper amount of nutrients your body needs to be it’s best!

Track and Adapt

Tracking my cycle has been a game changer for me. Ever since getting my period 12 years ago, my cycles had never been regular. It wasn’t until I started tracking my cycles more seriously about 3 years ago that I was able to understand what was going on and when. Keeping track of my cycle not only helped me become more regular, but it helped me understand how I feel during each phase. Using apps, like Modern Fertility and Flo can help monitor your energy levels, mood, and exercise performance. Over time, you'll learn so much about your body's rhythms and what it likes best, allowing you to fine-tune your fitness routine to get the best results and find your balance.

Just remember, balancing exercise and wellbeing during your menstrual cycle is really a self-care journey. It's all about embracing the natural rhythms of your body and tweaking your fitness routine to match. This way, you can create a beautiful relationship with exercise that boosts your overall health and happiness. Keep in mind, it's not about going full throttle during every phase, but more about caring for yourself through mindful movement. Let's celebrate the strength and resilience of your body in every phase of your cycle, shall we? I’m here for you girl! 🥰 💖


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