Em’s Journal

Emily Hennelly Emily Hennelly

How I Naturally Balanced My Hormones & Got My Period Back with PCOS

Struggling with PCOS and irregular periods? I went months without a cycle and doctors dismissed my concerns—until I finally got answers. In this post, I share my personal PCOS journey, symptoms, diagnosis, and the lifestyle changes that helped me naturally balance my hormones and get my period back. Read on to learn what actually worked!

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Emily Hennelly Emily Hennelly

Nature is Your Gym: A Journey into Outdoor Fitness

It’s that time of year again, the sun is shining, the weather is warming up and that means it’s time to get outside! Especially in California, the landscapes are so diverse and there is endless sunshine, it’s the perfect playground for those of us who love outdoor adventures and fitness.

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Emily Hennelly Emily Hennelly

Step Up Your Fat Loss: The Underrated Power of Walking

When it comes to our health and fitness, we are always looking for the next big workout or diet secret that promises to transform our bodies overnight. And I’m happy to announce that there is a trick for fat loss that you might be overlooking. It’s super simple and easy… Drum roll please… It’s WALKING. Yes, you read that right—walking.

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Emily Hennelly Emily Hennelly

Busy Schedule, No Problem: 5 HIIT Workouts to Keep You Fit

Make it easier to check exercise off your list! High Intensity Interval Training offers a solution for those short on time but still looking to reap the benefits of a great workout. HIIT is efficient, super effective, and can be done from almost anywhere with minimal equipment.

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